# Platform

MassTransit supports building, deploying, and monitoring services on a container-based platform. The platform provides a consistent hosting environment for consumers, sagas, and activities, eliminating duplicated service code (no more cut-and-pasting Program.cs). The platform Docker images can be used to deploy services to any container-based environment.

The platform image is hosted on Docker and is updated independent of the MassTransit package.

There are transport images as well, including RabbitMQ and ActiveMQ.

A preconfigured image for scheduling messages using Quartz is also available. The source is a good example of how to build an assembly for hosting on the platform. A preconfigured SQL Server container is also available for development purposes.

These images can be configured to specify the transport, as well as other options.

There is also a Live-Coding Video showing the Twitch sample being converted to run on the platform.

To build a service using the MassTransit Platform, create a startup class that implemented the IPlatformStartup interface.

Package: MassTransit.Platform.Abstractions

public class OrderServicePlatformStartup :
    readonly ILogger<OrderServicePlatformStartup> _logger;

    public QuartzPlatformStartup(IConfiguration configuration, ILogger<OrderServicePlatformStartup> logger)
        _logger = logger;

    public void ConfigureMassTransit(IServiceCollectionConfigurator configurator, IServiceCollection services)
        _logger.LogInformation("Configuring Order Service");


    public void ConfigureBus<TEndpointConfigurator>(IBusFactoryConfigurator<TEndpointConfigurator> configurator, IServiceProvider provider)
        where TEndpointConfigurator : IReceiveEndpointConfigurator

The example adds a consumer, including a consumer definition. When the bus is started, an endpoint will be created by convention for the consumer.

# Adding Configuration

To access configuration options, such as appsettings.json or environment variables, add the configuration classes in the platform startup class.

public class OrderServicePlatformStartup :
    readonly IConfiguration _configuration;

    public QuartzPlatformStartup(IConfiguration configuration)
        _configuration = configuration;

    public void ConfigureMassTransit(IServiceCollectionConfigurator configurator, IServiceCollection services)